Thursday, April 4, 2013

VICTORY?? For me, yes...I'll count this as one...

Wow!  It sure has been awhile...Sorry, this little thing called life just totally got me sidetracked.  ;-)  I honestly wouldn't want it any other way though!!

I just got done doing the happy dance!!  To spare you all the sight of said dance, I just thought I'd blog about it instead.  (Luckily the kids weren't home to video me or you'd see it anyway!  *L*)  As I just said, the kids are with daddy, so I thought I'd go soak and spend some me time in a bubble was very relaxing, thank you!  Now, just the quiet bubble bath might be reason enough for a happy dance when you're a mom, but mine was for a totally different reason all together...

Fair warning here, most that know me well, know that I have a warped sense of humor about a lot of is one of the things that has helped me make it through various events in my life...with that being's my VICTORY story...

Ever since having my right breast removed, along with various lymph nodes taken at the same time, I have this weird, sunken hole in my arm pit...I'm not ashamed to admit that there has been many, many times that Shan has been called from the comfort of his couch perch to help me out when I'm shaving (which I'm sure is just the highlight of his days!!) but FINALLY, after almost four years, tonight, no TONIGHT, I figured out how to shave my own pit again!!!!  Crazy, huh???  But seriously, I was over the moon about this!!  I have learned that there are so many things to adjust to after cancer, and a lot of them are never discussed in any of those little pamphlets that they send you home with...this being one of them!!  So, with that being said...I did my happy dance...decided to blog about I'm going to whip me up a caramel mocha and enjoy my VICTORY!  ;-)

Until next time...Peace, <3 and ~HUGS~ to all!!!!